Aftercare Guides Ear Anti-TragusConchDaithForward HelixHelixIndustrialLobeSnugTragusRook Eye Eyebrow Nose BridgeNostrilSeptum Mouth LipLip WebTongueTongue WebVertical Lip Body NavelNippleSurface AnchorSurface Piercing Genital AmpallangApadravyaChristinaDydoeHCHFourchetteFrenumGuicheHafadaHCHInner LabiaLorumOuter LabiaPAPubicReverse PATriangleVCH As always if you are concerned about any part of your healing process we encourage you to contact us either through emailing us at, social media, phone, or text. If it puts your mind at ease it isn’t overreacting.